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FAQs for the Fairtrade Global Business Summit

The Fairtrade Business Summit is a three-day programme of events to showcase the impact that can be created when Fairtrade farmers and workers collaborate with businesses worldwide. The Summit will bring together Fairtrade farmers and workers, like-minded businesses focused on having a positive impact on their supply chains, and wider civil society. Together, there will be the opportunity to dive into the challenges and opportunities that are common to all, looking to the future and how to come together to build fairer and more sustainable solutions that enhance global trade.

The business summit is scheduled to take place from 3rd to 5th October 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya.

You can register for the business summit by completing the online registration form on our website. Or click the link here.

You can exhibit your company’s products or services at the business summit by registering as a vendor.

Yes, the business summit will have several opportunities for attendees to network and connect with other industry professionals.

You can choose to attend only specific sessions that interest you, or you can attend the entire business summit for the whole experience.

You can contact the organisers of the business summit by emailing  or via WhatsApp Number +254-793-465-469.

FAQs for the Fairtrade Global Awards

The Fairtrade Global Awards celebrate Fairtrade partners whose commitments and creativity support social justice through trade.

This is the first ever Fairtrade Global Awards, which will take place on 4th October 2023 and will be hosted by Fairtrade Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya. They will take place every two years from 2023, which the Producer Networks alternating hosting the Awards.

The Fairtrade Global Awards aim to bring the farmers and workers Fairtrade work with closer to the businesses that source from them – and celebrate where these relationships are creating impact. The awards will be producer- awarded, giving farmers and workers the opportunity to recognise businesses commitments to Fairtrade.

  • Fairtrade Living Incomes Leader Award
  • Fairtrade Living Wages Leader Award
  • Fairtrade Climate Leader Award
  • Fairtrade Innovation Award
  • Fairtrade Caribbean and Latin America Award
  • Fairtrade Africa Award
  • Fairtrade Asia and the Pacific Award
  • Fairtrade Partner of the Year Award

Any partner can put themselves forward for an award, whether they are a brand, a retailer or a trader.

Yes, the Awards are open to partners from any market.

You first need to express interest via this link by March 28th 2023. You can express your interest in two award categories. You will be considered by the panel, the awards team and the Fairtrade member who holds the relationship with you to assess whether to invite you to the full application.

Yes, there will be a physical ceremony in Nairobi on October 4th. All finalists will be invited, alongside a selection of stakeholders from wider industry and civil society plus across the Fairtrade system. Partners will find out if they are a finalist in early August.

The Awards will be judged by a producer- led panel including Fairtrade producer network representatives alongside farmers and workers. There will also be two independent judges on the panel. Robust criteria has been created for each category.

The winners will be announced on the 4th October 2023 at the ceremony.

Every winner will be presented with an asset package that they will be able to use to communicate their win.

Awards will be held bi-annually.

Please reach out to Alice Michira, the Awards Project Manager at

The panel will consider all received expressions of interest before inviting a longlist of partners to complete full application, which will be circulated in late April. The full application will include providing evidence of your contribution in the category for which you are applying. Applications will then be reviewed and decided by the judging panel. You will find out in early August if you have been shortlisted and invited to the Awards Ceremony in Nairobi on the 4th October.

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