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About the Fairtrade Global Awards 2023

The Fairtrade Business Summit is a three-day programme of events to showcase the impact that can be created when Fairtrade farmers and workers collaborate with businesses around the world. The Summit will bring together Fairtrade farmers and workers, likeminded businesses focused on having a positive impact in their supply chains, and wider civil society. Together, there will be the opportunity to dive into the challenges and opportunities that are common to all, looking to the future and how to come together to build fairer and more sustainable solutions that enhance global trade.

The Summit will include

  • A day of field visits for businesses to directly interact with farmers and workers and see first-hand the impact Fairtrade
    commitments have.
  • 2 days of panel discussions, networking opportunities and exhibitions that showcase some of the most innovative and impactful
    Fairtrade producer groups as well as facilitate discussions on the most pertinent issues affecting global trade.
  • The Fairtrade Global Awards Ceremony 2023.

On the sidelines, participants can visit the only Game Park in a city, the Nairobi National Park ( or take a walk in the world-famous Karura Forest which was made famous by the efforts of conservatists led by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Prof. Wangari Mathai (

Thematic Areas of Focus

  • How do we align values and impact for responsible and sustainable business practices, using the circular economy as a driver for sustainable and inclusive growth in trade?
  • SDGs: How is ethical trade contributing to the global sustainable development agenda, now that we are halfway to 2030?
  • The importance of sustainable production and responsible consumption for a low-carbon economy, and how to factor in collaborative models for scaling up climate action through the supply chain.
  • What is the business case for ethical business practices and responsible investment for inclusive growth and sustainable development? How does empowering small-holder farmers and workers through trade make part of the solution.
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